All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

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What is the Reason for Getting Up Every Morning with a Smile on Your Face? May 14, 2024

Painting by Mr. Yamada in his late years. He was a life-long learner.


Do you believe in different philosophies but struggle with implementing those concepts in your daily life? I believe in Ikigai and Kaizen. For those unfamiliar with those terms, the philosophy of Ikigai is usually...

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Become an Angel for the Animals, Year 14! Feb 27, 2024


It's been a while since I've communicated with you. I hope your life has been going well. My life continues to take me through the ups and downs of living. I know yours hasn't been any different, right?  One big change in my life was the closure of my business in May (Studio 904...

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Welcome, 2024 ... Y ear of the Dragon! Jan 25, 2024



I hope this first email of 2024 finds you safe and healthy and that you've found time to recharge and are ready to embrace the year ahead.

There’s something beautiful about bringing one thing to an end and creating space for a new focus or endeavor. I feel the energy...

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Dec 10, 2023


I appreciate your interest in what's been happening with me since my salon closed in May 2023.

I'm still the energizing bunny that you remember me as. My big fundraiser for animal rescue took place on December 2 at Aljoya Senior Living. I worried that I wouldn't be able to get people...

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I'm Back! philanthropy Nov 21, 2023

It's been a while since I've communicated with you. I hope your life has been going well. My life continues to take me through the ups and downs of living. I know yours hasn't been any different.  One big change in my life is the closure of my business in May (Studio 904 Hair Design), which...

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Happy 2023 + a Gift for You! Jan 06, 2023

What an amazing year this has been. It was a hard year full of health challenges and life changes within myself and many people in my personal life and career. Through the hard times, I gained insights and moved forward. I practiced the Japanese philosophy, Ikigai (why I get out of bed every...

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How to Turn Scary into Cute life wisdom Oct 14, 2022

Well, it’s been over a year since my rescue dog MoMo arrived from Korea.

It’s incredible how she continued to improve from a scared little dog into a sweet and loving dog who learned to trust me and her new life. Even with the blossoming of her playful personality, I realized that...

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Do You Believe in Lies? life wisdom Aug 26, 2022

Hello Friends, I hope you are enjoying the last weeks of our summer weather.

Me? Well, I got caught up in watching the news lately. The constant information that's coming out has been hard to take. I can see why listening to local, national, and world news can trigger our minds into wondering...

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Can You Draw a Circle? life wisdom Jul 05, 2022

Hi Friends,

Summer has arrived!

What plans do you have for this summer?

I hope it includes some time to nourish your soul and creativity.

Setting aside as little as 15 minutes a day to simply sketch and color is great for our mental health and creative productivity.

So why not set a...

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MoMo's Enigma, What I Learned life wisdom Jun 13, 2022

How time flies! It's been 1 year + 2 months since MoMo arrived from Korea. I remember seeing this shaggy dog, rescued from the Korean Dog Meat Market, traveled for 18 hours on the plane, scared and shivering refusing to come out of her crate. The minute I laid my eyes on her, I felt such...

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Ode to World Peace Part 2 life wisdom May 13, 2022

Do you know the story of Sadako who folded 1,000 paper cranes in the hope of a world where people can co-exist in peace and harmony? Her wish was that countries make a promise that they will not engage in nuclear attacks on human beings.

I hold Sadako's story close to my heart and read it...

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Sound of War...Again life wisdom Apr 09, 2022

Hello Friends, checking in to see how you are doing. I hope the coming of longer days and sunlight is helping you to feel refreshed and hopeful about our future. This early morning, as I look out the window in front of my desk, I see birds fluttering amongst the tree branches and a man taking...

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