The Art of Kamishibai, Japanese Story Telling
Aug 02, 2021
What, it's already August?
Sorry for the late notice, but I'm inviting you to a just-in-time workshop before the end of our summer season.
I remember those hot summer days when I was growing up on the southern island of Kyushu, Japan. My neighborhood friends and I waited patiently for the Kamishibai Man to arrive on his bicycle, pulling his candy shop and a miniature kamishibai wooden stage. We all ran out of our houses clutching small amounts of coins in our hands as the wooden clicking noise echoed closer and closer to our street. We sat around his bicycle, positioning ourselves to get the best possible view of the wooden kamishibai stage. We showed Kamishibai man the coins in our hands and he smilingly gave us a handful of our favorite lemon drops, milk, and rice candies. We licked and sucked on our candies while watching his show ... intrigued with the man's storytelling as he pulled one bright-colored picture out of the wooden frame and another scene appeared.

Kamishibai is the magical art of Japanese storytelling. Kami means paper and Shibai mean play. Kamishibai is such a powerful communication medium that organizations worldwide have adapted to using it to clarify their vision and values. In addition, Doctors Without Borders adopted it as part of its AIDS campaign.
Join me in a fun, light-hearted Zoom workshop as I share with you a well-known Japanese story, Rabbit and the Moon. Then we will draw and paint a scene from the story, Momo-taro, a boy who was born out of a peach that was floating down the rive.
Don't worry if you are a beginner. You will become a Kamishibai artist and a storyteller as you cut papers and paint a beautiful stage scene that asks the question, "What's in the Peach?"
After you take this class and practice more, you'll be able to make your own Kamishibai stories, paint beautiful greeting cards, or make a colorful display piece for your home.
Date: Saturday, August 7
Time: 10:00 - 11:30 AM (PT)
Only $35.
To find out more or register, you can go here.
Hope to see you at the Kamishibai Worksop!