Give Small Gifts...Kaizen
Mar 24, 2021
Today I want to share with you the Kaizen philosophy that I live by every day. Kaizen is a Japanese business/life philosophy that means, Life-long learning in small incremental steps. The six to-do lists for the Kaizen philosophy are 1. Take one small step. 2. Ask small questions. 3. Solve small problems 4. Take small actions 5. Give small gifts 6. Enjoy small moments.
My favorite is 5. Give small gifts.
Do you know why? Because I love making small art treasures and give them away to create a happy day for the others in this world.
This is why I like to encourage you to make your own small gifts to make others happy...especially during these COVID months where people need encouragement from others. One thing I know for sure, people love receiving hand-made gifts.
If you haven't signed up yet for my upcoming Zoom workshop, do it today. It's coming up in a few days.
I guarantee you will love this workshop! Did I tell you it's simple?